• Spin and Limebike likely to be first dockless bike shares in Seattle Curbed Seattle

    Spin and Limebike likely to be first dockless bike shares in Seattle  Curbed Seattle

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    Picture META DATA FOR Spin and Limebike likely to be first dockless bike shares in Seattle Curbed Seattle's IMAGE
    TITLE:Spin and Limebike likely to be first dockless bike shares in Seattle Curbed Seattle
    IMAGE URL:https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/06g-xA1sJacjpvJgj9fjPQ2mCqg=/0x0:5472x3648/1200x800/filters:focal(2299x1387:3173x2261)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/55621075/bike_3.0.jpg
    IMAGE SIZE:174.5KB Bs
    IMAGE WIDTH:1200
    MEDIA ID:resitem-9
    SOURCE DOMAIN:seattle.curbed.com
    SOURCE URL:https://seattle.curbed.com/2017/7/7/15940022/spin-limebike-seattle-launch

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